An open letter to the broken

An open letter to the broken

Dear, Anonymous

I know you feel shattered, scattered into tiny pieces right now. You're very aware of your sharp edges and how they easily cut, you weren't made to be dull.

One of the many words you may use to describe yourself is: lost. Like you're swimming underwater gasping for air, you can't remember which way is up so your swimming deeper. Like your standing in the middle of a storm, everything has gone dark. You can hear the screaming of the wind and the clap of thunder but there is no escape. You may feel so lost you don't know who you are anymore, like you lost yourself along the way.

You feel your in so many pieces that you can't put yourself back together. Your not supposed to. In this process of figuring out how your going to fix yourself, you forgot that you can't do this on your own. Your not able to do it with your own two hands. The only one who can put you back together is the one who put you together in the beginning.

You became so busy looking for yourself you quit seeing what was in front of you. You became so consumed trying to fit the shards of yourself together again. As hard as you try, you will never be able to fix yourself on your own.

You're not alone. We are all broken people. We are all shattered in our own ways, all continually sinning and deepening our cracks. But trust me running away from the only hand that can make you whole will only break you more. We hurt the very hands that created us without thinking. But He still loves us, he still searches to heal. But we continue to run and hurt ourselves because we can do this whole life thing on our own right? No.

Your Father created you with a matchbox heart , he's the only one that holds that match to light your heart on fire for him. He holds a love so great there is no words, and His love is greater then anything you'll ever know. He loves you even when you don't love Him back. Are you going to except His love or are you going to go back to trying to fix yourself with your broken hands. When our broken hands reach up to God, he pulls us up, fills us up with a love so uncontainable. He forgives our brokeness and loves us.

He knows our brokeness, our deepest cracks and he still loves us. God looks at us in all of our pieces and loves us anyways. He doesn't call us to heal before coming to Him. He loves you where you are, He loves your pieces along with you.

You see a broken messed up person, he sees a masterpiece that he wants to give his love to. So I don't know about you but my legs are tired of running from myself,  I want to learn to run to the healing hands of my Father again. You're never too far gone for God, you're never too shattered or dirty. He knows you, he knows your broken and He loves you all the same. All he asks in return is your surrender, to quit running to other things, to run to Him, to love. Quit fighting the hands that are holding you. This letter isn't for one person it's for everyone, even for me. We are all broken people. And there is only one healer.

So I choose to be lost in a love that can move mountains and consume oceans. I will run to the hands that put me together instead of running away and I hope you choose the same.



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