We all have our own stories to tell.
But most of the time we forget that our whole lives are a whole story. That there are pages left blank until we reach further page numbers. We struggle with the fact that we weren't the author of our own book. That the author of everyone's book is much more qualified then us.
We all have different chapters in our lives. From the beginning page to the end chapter, each chapter of our books holds a different meaning.One or more of our chapters may be filled with struggles so deep that we feel uprooted from the ground and ripped from ourselves. But there will also be healing chapters where we learn to regrow our roots in a better soil in our authors garden. From both of these we will learn to grow, to appreciate the struggle and to find hope in it & to find victory in the healing.
Our pages are limited so we must learn to appreciate this story we have and the time we have to live it out. No ones story is perfectly smooth, we're all a little battered and torn, definitely not perfect. But that's what makes our stories beautiful, each is different and unique. I think it is so important for us to share our stories with each other because we can help each other and inspire even when we find our own story unworthy. God finds a way to work through all struggles. Sharing your story brings glory to Him. So go and tell your story. Every single chapter. Every last word.
- Amber.