An ode to my grandmother

You were a strong willed woman, you knew you could do what you set your mind to.

My favorite days were the ones spent with you in the garden, picking out all the weeds to let the beauty grow. Although, I did not inherit your green thumb I will do my best to make a beautiful garden for you.

You always stole sips of grandpas coffee, he caught you every time realizing every time he left the room an inch of coffee was gone.

You used to brush my hair for hours when I was a little girl it taught me the important of peace and patience, I never took those moments for granted.

You taught me to never say no to ice cream, I believe that’s where I got my sweet tooth from.

You gave me your bracelet to wear on my wedding day, what a honor it was to carry your legacy on my wrist.

We cut our wedding cake with the same knife you and grandpa used, a poetic way to start another epic love story.

I miss you, more than you know, but I know you are probably gardening in heaven and so happy.

- your granddaughter.

Dawn is breaking
