I am unexpected.
I guess I could be called a "misfit" because I refuse to fit in. My father tells me the only place I'll ever fit in, is His arms.
I refuse to be confined by these walls, I will not be defined, I will only be refined by the truth. You see these walls are tall and they may reach the sky but the heavens are higher so I refuse to be limited. My feet are on the ground but my hands reach higher.
My voice yet small, will be heard from the mountain tops as I scream of a love so great even the waves will not overpower. I will stand upright for what I love, failing to be knocked down no matter the force.
You see these hands were made for creating, for breaking down walls.This heart is a match to light this soul on fire, the fire can not be put out.
I will remain undefined by words, undescribed and uncontainable to the capacity of this world. Everything will fade away.
But His love will remain, it echoes through the mountains and valleys all nature knows of it. If you're quiet you can hear Him whisper.
His love remains.
-Lots of love, Amber