To Be Girl

To Be Girl

To be girl is to play hopscotch among the glow of the streetlights, to not dare play among the darkness. 

To be girl is to be asked what you want to be but within limitation. You will say what you aspire to be and you will be presented with a list of all the things you are not allowed to become.

To be girl is to be asked to speak up while being silenced. To be girl is to fight to be visible, to fight to be heard. You must shout to be heard. Do not apologize for verbalizing your existence. Do not tremble at the sound of your own voice.

To be girl is to be taught to apologize for your breathing, for the dare to exist. To be girl is to be told who to be, and how you need to be. To be you, is to be enough.

To be girl is to compare oneself to others, because that is what the world has taught you. You must be good enough, pretty enough.

To be unapologetically is to know you have a beautiful mind, to know that definition of beauty cannot even begin to do you justice. 

You must know you are a piece of art, even if others do not appreciate your canvas. You were elaborately painted, with a careful hand. 

You are woman, you are strong, you must scream until they can hear your voice. 

You are a beautiful wildflower that refuses to quit growing no matter how many times you have been stepped on, no matter how hard the wind blows you continue. 

You are strong, you are enough, and you get to be who you want to be not who the world is telling you to become, stay persistent in that.

love, amber.

To My Love

To My Love

a letter / a surrender

a letter / a surrender