I have learned

I’ve learned that some people will enter your garden just to step on all your flowers.. but I have also learned that some people will step gently into your garden and plant flowers alongside me, gently embroidering seeds into my soul.

This Skin

That means that I'm learning to love these bones, this body, this mystery. I am embracing the unknown of this soul, I'm learning every detail and every ounce of this body until I know my soul wholly.

In the detail

On the days when the storm comes and it begins to pour and I freeze where I am. Although I'm shaking to the bone, I cannot move. Because maybe the pouring rain will make me feel something.
On the days when it seems like I can get nothing wrong. When it's one thing after the other.

Fixed Eyes

With fear in my voice I called out to you reaching out in utter fear, as soon as I yelled you reached out and pulled me up on the surface without hesitation. I had such doubt in my eyes and still He looked at me with such love despite my actions.


Prone to Wander

I will grow my roots alongside the trees. I will call this place my home the dirt in which my roots may grow. I will learn to grow towards the sky learning the importance of the seasons of wilting



Whenever I search; I may stumble, I may feel lost, I may lose my footing but I always find my way back

Home is

Home is... In your bones, maybe your already home inside of yourself. Home isn't always a place but rather a feeling, a soothing nostalgic memory or a familiar laugh, a distant destination or dream.